Sunday 8 February 2015

Watching Over You by Mel Sherratt

Book 10
Watching Over You by Mel Sherratt

After the death of her husband and unborn child Charley Bellington decides it's time to sell her home and make a fresh start. Finding a nice flat to rent for while and meeting her new landlady Ella who seems like she could be a good friend things seem to be going well for Charley.

Ella is a troubled soul who drinks uncontrollably, has black outs and is a sex addict all due to a very troubled past and Charley's life doesn't go well for long.

This is the first book I've read by Mel Sherratt and after reading it I instantly looked up other books by this Author.
This book is quite a gripper although it did have me cringing at some of Ella's antics. It becomes quite obvious Ella is out of control and reading pages from her diary's you do tend to feel a bit sorry for her but then out comes Cassandra  and you realise she's a psychopath!
Elizabeth Haynes described this as a book you need to read from behind a cushion! and now I understand why, everyone is being watched by someone. A fabulous read and now I'm away to make sure my curtains are closed.

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