Tuesday, 12 January 2016

The TBC 2016 Book Challenge

I'm a member of a fab virtual book club over on Facebook called The Book Club (TBC) which was set up by the wonderful Tracy Fenton. I've been a member for about 11 months and over this time I've read some absolutely fantastic books that I probably would never have heard of before, whether it be through freebie books, review requests or just speaking to some of the wonderful authors that are members of TBC ( over 600 ) and buying their books. I've read genres I wouldn't have even thought about before and it's really opened my eyes up to what magical books there are.

So The Book Club decided it would be a good idea to do a reading challenge for 2016. Of course as soon as I saw the word challenge I was on it, ready to get going. Basically there are 20 different categories and each book has to be written by an author member of the group. I have downloaded so many books over the 11 months from author members I thought this was great opportunity to add these into the challenge and finally get round to reading them.

It wasn't quite as easy as I thought it would be though and it took me a couple of days to fill up my list. I wanted to make sure each book I chose was perfect for the category and I wanted to try and find different books that the other members hadn't picked but looking back I think a lot of us have the same and that's because they just seem perfect for the category.  

I've read four books so far and enjoying this so much.

Here's the challenge and the books I've chosen ~

1 ~ A Book with a colour in the title
      Blackwood - SJI Holiday
2 ~ A Book with a season in the title (summer/winter/spring/autumn)
      Autumns Blood - Marrisa Farrer
3 ~ A Book written by a TBC author you haven’t read yet
      Pohutukawa Highway - Tammy Robinson
4 ~ A Book with a one word title
      Shtum - Jem Lester
5 ~ A Book with a number in the title
      Three Sisters - Helen Smith
6 ~ A Book written by an author with the same first initial as you
      Fosgates Game - David C Cassidy
7 ~ A Book with Christmas in the title
      Christmas at Gingerbread Café - Rebecca Raisin
8 ~ A Book set in a country you would like to visit
      The Travellers Daughter - Michelle Vernal
9 ~ A Book written by a Scottish Author or based in Scotland
      Blood Tears - Michael J Malone
10 ~ A Book based purely on the cover
        From The Cradle - Mark Edwards & Louise Voss 
11 ~ A Book written in a genre you have never read...
        Carpet Diem - Justin Anderson
12 ~ A Book based purely on the In My Pants game
        Hard to Feel Whole (imp) - Mandy Thomas
13 ~ A Book written by the first author who likes or comments on one of your posts on TBC
        Web of Deceit - Mel Comley & Tara Lyons
14 ~ A Book that costs less than £1.00
        CXVI - Angie Smith
15 ~ A Book written by one of the authors scheduled to do a Q&A in 2016
         No Hiding Place - Mel Comley
16 ~ A Book written by one of the authors who did a Q&A in 2015
         Perfect Daughter - Amanda Prowse
17 ~ A Book which was voted #1 in the Arthur Awards 2015 – any category
        I Let You Go Clare Mackintosh
18 ~ A book with the word “Girl” or “Dead” in the title
        Where the Dead Walk - John Bowen
19 ~ A book published in 2015
         Blood Moon - Alexandra Sokoloff
20 ~ A MABS Freebie Book
        The child Taker & Slow Burn - Conrad Jones

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